You can have implants to reshape parts of your face, such as the chin, cheeks, and nose.
We often do facial implants at the same time as other surgical procedures, for example, placing a chin implant at the same time as reshaping your nose. Facial implants are also an alternative to certain "bone-shaping" operations, for example, placing a chin implant instead of reshaping the chin bone (genioplasty).
Facial implants can enhance your appearance and improve your self-confidence. However, they will not necessarily change your looks to match your ideal or cause other people to treat you differently.
What are facial implants?
Facial implants have long been used in face surgery. They are usually made of synthetic material - of which there are many varieties. Of course you can also have facial implants made from your own body tissues like fat, bone, or cartilage.
Common procedures
The most common uses of facial implants are:
- in the chin, especially when your chin is small or "set back"
- in the cheeks, when your cheekbones (malars) are flattened or "underdeveloped".
- With the nose, we usually recommend you have an implant made from your own body tissues, such as bone, rather than a synthetic implant.
Whatever the procedure, at your initial consultation we analyse the exact problem. If we think an implant is appropriate, we help you decide which sort among the various options for size and type.